Ray is a prolific author. He has written several books and published over 300 articles on leadership, organizational and behavioral change and workplace issues.
His new book, Eye of the Storm: How Mindful Leaders Can Transform Chaotic Workplaces is a best seller and available throughout North America, Europe and Australia.
He has also written regular columns for the National Post/Financial Post, Psychology Today, Fast Company, Salon, and has written for or been interviewed by The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Globe and Mail, Forbes, Fortune, U.S.A Today, Entrepreneur.

Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm is a compelling look at the failure of management to engage its workforce in meaningful work. Ray Williams neatly dissects the problem and offers solutions.. Each is rooted in mindfulness, the sense of being in the moment as well as fully engaged with others. Eye of the Storm offers tactical approaches for the readers that are specific and actionable. You’ll learn why mindful leadership is the best management style for increasing engagement, and morale, with your employees, which will not only make your job easier but allow you to sleep better at night.
“Any leader, especially those who are striving to implement change at work, will benefit from this provocative and pragmatic book. The book will be especially helpful to those working in a broken environment. Eye of the Storm will be your salvation.” –Marshall Goldsmith, recognized as one of the top ten Most Influential Business Thinkers in the world.

Toxic Bosses: Practical Wisdom for Developing Wise, Ethical and Moral Leaders
“The World Needs Fewer Toxic Bosses. Corrupt and dishonest politicians. CEOs of prominent organizations being convicted of various financial crimes. Unethical political and business practices. Malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths in positions of great power.
Unrestrained and unchecked, the result is the degradation of moral standards, ethical behavior and the decline of democracy.
Toxic Bosses: Practical Wisdom for Developing Wise, Ethical and Moral Leaders examines the connection between moral and ethical leaders and wisdom. Our current turbulent and dangerous times underscore the need to have wise leaders who demonstrate the highest standards of moral principles and ethical behavior. While all countries are in need of wise, moral and ethical leaders, nowhere does it have a greater impact on the world than in the United States.
Toxic Bosses: Practical Wisdom for Developing Wise, Ethical and Moral Leaders is organized into three major sections. The first section looks at the ongoing problem of amoral, ethical and unethical leadership with case studies, examples and multiple perspectives. The second section examines what we mean by moral, ethical and wise leader behavior. The final section examines ethical and wise leadership, with suggestions on actions we can take at the organizational and individual level in dealing with amoral, immoral and unethical leaders, and how to develop further a culture of integrity, ethics and morality.”
“Toxic Bosses explains toxic leaders with examples and illustrations and elaborates on the unethical organizations that fell from grace. It offers tips, tools and techniques to excel as ethical leaders. It is a well-researched book on ethical and moral leadership. I strongly recommend it.”—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D., #1 Thought Leader and Influencer on Culture Globally by Thinkers 360.

Virtuous Leadership: The Character Secrets of Great Leaders.
Daily, we see and hear about unethical and amoral leaders corrupting our institutions and business organizations. Poll after poll shows that people have lost confidence and trust in our leaders as a result. Many people also now question how we choose our leaders. Research shows far too often that we choose narcissists, who are self-serving and unethical. This book presents a timely and compelling argument for a focus on virtues and good character. Presenting an insightful analysis, backed by research, this book also provides the readers with practical suggestions on how to emphasize and build good character and virtues in leadership selection, promotion and training Virtuous Leadership is a clarion call for choosing the best among us to lead through our chaotic times. While presenting a disturbing picture of the present state of affairs, Virtuous Leadership provides hope and optimism for a better leadership future.
“So glad to see an author and thought leader such as Ray Williams tackle one of the thorniest issues facing our society today—incivility. In Virtuous Leadership, Williams explores the breakdown of cultural norms and the false sense of permissiveness that makes individuals feel they can be openly hostile to others. Williams provides remedies for this dilemma—leadership rooted in strong character. Virtuous Leadership is a welcome addition to any leader’s bookshelf.”—John Baldoni, 2021 IFLD Hall of Fame Mentor, 2021 Global Gurus Top 20.

Macho Men: How Toxic Masculinity Harm Us All And What To Do About It.
American men are struggling with what it means to be a man. Progress has been made through the women’s liberation movement and other efforts at gender equity, but the last few years have seen a slide backward into some traditional view of what it means to be a man, as evidenced by the aggressive, sometimes violent and misogynist behavior of men. Macho Men examines in depth the why and how these developments have occurred and their damaging impact on all of us.
In this book, you’ll read how toxic masculinity has been embedded in many aspects of American culture including the military, law enforcement, professional sports, college campus life, movies and the media, politics, Alt-Right extreme groups, and corporate culture. The book also takes a close view of the role of parents in raising boys with healthy masculinity.
“ Ray Williams deftly examines with insight and thoroughness how toxic masculinity has pervaded American culture and the damaging impact it’s had and offers practical suggestions on what people, institutions and parents can do to develop a healthy concept of masculinity and how it can greatly benefit society.”—Emma Seppala, Science Director, Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, and co-Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.

I know Myself and Neither Do You
I Know Myself and Neither Do You: Why Charisma, Confidence and Pedigree Won’t Take You Where You Want To Go. All great leaders know this ancient secret. It wasn’t luck. You’ve worked hard to get to the top. And now you want more. Using your time, talent and tenacity differently will help you get there. People will talk positively about your achievements, about you and your legacy will speak largely for itself—IF you learn, implement and embody the ancient wisdom you’ll find here in this book.
You will learn:
The primary reason leaders fail and what to do about it
How to avoid being a leader failure statistic
Why the self-esteem movement doesn’t work
How to use “the gap” between how you see yourself and how others see you to catapult your success.
Practical activities you should implement today in your organization to recruit and train effective leaders
The ONE thing you must do for proper cognitive functioning, problem solving and creativity
PLUS, the book contains many mini-assessments and practical strategies you can immediately use”
“Self-awareness is one of the most important leadership traits nobody talks about. And yet it is absolutely critical for emotional intelligence. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to propel their leadership skills to the next level.”—Emma Seppala, Associate Director for the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford University School of Medicine and Faculty Director at the Yale School of Management’s Leadership Program.

The Journey to Self Mastery: Unlocking hte Secrets to Personal Transformation

Dragon Tamer
Drug traffickers from a violent Hong Kong Triad and a ruthless Mexican drug cartel, aided by a powerful corrupt force in the CIA, plan to market an ancient Mayan drug. One man, Blake Morgan, a hard-case DEA Agent, can stop them. Morgan must battle his way through a vortex of darkness, corruption and a web of deceptions to tame the dragon-like criminal conspiracy while taming his own tormented dragon within.
“ Dragon Tamer is an authentic, action-packed thriller that will keep the reader anxious to turn every page to a powerful climax.”—Richard J. Ladds, a former officer of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
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