Eye of the Storm: How Mindful Leaders Can Transform Chaotic Workplaces is a call to action for business and organizational leaders. I cite problems such as relentless demands and extreme pressure placed on both leaders and workers, explaining the harm that recurring waves of job cuts and globalization do the corporate structure as they lower employee loyalty and job satisfaction.
But I don’t just detail the problems—I present steps on how to fix them. Arguing how leaders need to become more mindful and take steps to engage their employees in more meaningful work, I also lay out ways in which businesses can create environments where workers are creative, happy and productive.
I combine science-backed research with practical strategies for individuals and organizations in this practical guide that can transform workplaces.
Eye of the Storm gives the reader an exhaustive look at the research which shows how workplaces and many businesses suffer as a result of worker burnout, low engagement and productivity levels and employee dissatisfaction with work. Subsequent chapters take a close look at leadership research, the failure of management in modern organizations, and what’s missing in current leadership practices.
The second half of Eye of the Storm gives readers an in-depth examination of what exactly is mindfulness, the research supporting it, and practical strategies for implementation in their lives and organizations.
The final section of the book examines how leaders can become mindful leaders and how mindful practices can be incorporated into the workplace in a cost effective, practical way.
Eye of the Storm can be used as a blueprint to transform workplaces into places where people can be happy, less stressed and more productive.
Eye of the Storm has received praises from world class thought leaders and researchers:
- Emma Seppälä, Ph.D.,Associate Director at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford School of Medicine, says Eye of the Storm “combines practical mindfulness insights with powerful leadership techniques based on both experience and a thorough review of the research literature.”
- Marshall Goldsmith, recognized as one of the top ten most influential business thinkers in the world says, “Any leader, especially those who are striving to implement change at work, will benefit from this provocative and pragmatic book. It will be especially helpful to hose working in a broken environment. Eye of the Storm will be your salvation.”
- John Baldoni, internationally acclaimed thought leader, executive coach and author. “Eye of the Stormis a compelling look at the failure of management to engage its workforce in meaningful work…Ray Williams neatly dissects the problem and offer solutions.”
- Dan Schawbel, New York Times best selling author and founder of Workplacetrends.com: “Ray Williams provides a powerful narrative that explains why the workplace is such a toxic environment for all employees, and then gives real actionable solutions to urn your ship away from the storm and into paradise.”
- Dr. Tony Alessandra, author of The NEW Art of Managing Peopleand The Platinum Rule: “Ray Williams’s book argues convincingly how mindful leaders can make a major impact on their organizations. Readers will find this book a valuable resource in change management and workplace culture initiatives.”
- Brian Tracy, internationally renowned personal a professional achievement expert: “Eye of the Stormshows you how to create an environment where people are happy, creative, productive and look forward to getting to work each day.”