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Is the United States in Decline?

Is the United States in Decline?

Is the United States in Decline? The United States has been a powerful leading force for democracy and world order since the Great Depression, but there have been clear signs of decline.  This article is not intended to be a biased bashing of the United States. I...
Perfectionism Can Kill You

Perfectionism Can Kill You

“Reaching for the stars, perfectionists may end up clutching at air,” famous psychologist David Burns warned.” There’s a strong probability you’re a perfectionist if you’ve ever sobbed over receiving a B+ or coming in second place....
The Rise of American Authoritarianism

The Rise of American Authoritarianism

Introduction There are disturbing signs that America’s strength as a democracy has weakened because of significant support for authoritarianism and an autocratic President Donald Trump. And while we think of autocratic states and dictatorships developing as a result...