How Mindfulness Can Help You Deal With The Stress of COVID-19
By Ray Williams September18, 2020 The daily news about COVID-19 can be relentless. Couple that with isolation, financial worries, new family or home-schooling responsibilities, college-aged children making an unexpected return home and, in the...
How to Manage Your Emotions During the Crisis
By Ray Williams December 19, 2019 The spread of the COVID-19 virus threatens our physical and mental health. Many people have never directly experienced WWII, or a natural disaster, or have not encountered the scene of empty streets and grocery store shelves and...
Why we “choke” under pressure and what to do about it?
“Choking is suboptimal performance, not just poor performance. It’s a performance that is inferior to what you can do and have done in the past and occurs when you feel pressure to get everything right,” argues Beilock.

How Facebook Can Amplify Low Self-Esteem, Narcissism And Anxiety
Research on the negative aspects of frequent Facebook use has focused on the possible relationships with negative psychological states and behavior such as anxiety, low self-esteem and narcissim.