By Ray Williams December, 2021 In a global climate of increasing complexity, competition, intolerance and impatience, there has been a steady erosion of public trust in both public and private sector organisations and their leaders. At the same time, there are...
By Ray Williams May 17, 2021 The violence, cruelty and unfairness shown to us daily by the media could prompt us to believe in humankind’s darker nature. But research on young children has shown that we are not born that way. Anecdotally, anyone who’s spent...
By Ray Williams April 19, 2021 We all have a remedy — a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate — for lifting our spirits when we’re in a bad mood. Rather than focusing on ways to make ourselves feel better, a team of Iowa State University researchers suggests wishing...
By Ray Williams November 25, 2020 “The joys of loves and triumphs and the sorrows of losses and humiliations fade with time.” — Sonja Lyubomirsky Did you know what over 45,000,000 people search for happiness on GOOGLE monthly? And that’s just on the main search...
By Ray Williams August 1, 2019 The Predominant Business Model Business organizations have been dominated by men for at least the last two centuries. Correspondingly, male oriented values and behavioral characteristics—competitive aggressiveness,...