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How Inequality Harms the Wealthy

How Inequality Harms the Wealthy

Summary: (Read the research following)  Economic inequality has negative impacts on the wealthy as well as the rest of the population. The U.S. has the greatest economic/income inequality among Western nations. Wealthy people are less interested in connecting with...
Wisdom, Loneliness and Your “Gut”

Wisdom, Loneliness and Your “Gut”

By Ray Williams April 2, 2021 The evolving science of wisdom rests on the idea that wisdom’s defined traits correspond to distinct regions of the brain, and that greater wisdom translates into greater happiness and life satisfaction while being less wise results in...
Christmas Will Be Difficult for Many People

Christmas Will Be Difficult for Many People

By Ray Williams December, 2020   The Christmas season can be a time of great joy and happiness for people. It can also be a time of sadness, depression, stress and loneliness for many people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Household Pulse...
COVID-19 and the Loss of Human Touch

COVID-19 and the Loss of Human Touch

By Ray Williams July 20, 2020   Physical touch is a fundamental part of being a human. The current COVID-19 pandemic has put severe restrictions on touching, and it may have a long-term negative impact on our well-being.  Physical distancing and the lack of human...