Is the United States in Decline? The United States has been a powerful leading force for democracy and world order since the Great Depression, but there have been clear signs of decline. This article is not intended to be a biased bashing of the United States. I...
Organizations, politics, the media, and even academic research reflect regression to favoring traditional masculinity, and in some cases toxic masculinity. In an article titled “The Era of Happy Tech Workers Is Over,” in the New York Times, Nadia Rawlinson, former...
“Hegemonic masculinity was a major factor in Trump’s political success.”— Theresa Vescio and Nathaniel Schemerhorn, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences In my book, Macho Men: How Toxic Masculinity Harms Us All and What To Do About It, I describe in detail...
By Ray Williams March 15, 2022 It seems that we are increasingly inundated not only by lies and disinformation fed to us by politicians, business leaders and social media. “One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit,”...
By Ray Williams February, 2022 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—George Santayana During these chaotic times, rife with political controversy, extreme tribalism, violence and social unrest, the question of when and how people...