By Ray Williams February, 2022 The pandemic, climate change and political crises has brought into focus the critical need for leaders who know how to lead during a crisis. We’ve witnessed both the good and bad examples locally, nationally and internationally. I think...
By Ray Williams November 6, 2021 Our society worships success and even demands it. Success defines the person and the organization. It is the way we define goal attainments. Success is also defined by its polar opposite, failure. The commonly held view is that failure...
By Ray Williams February, 2022 The pandemic, climate change and political crises has brought into focus the critical need for leaders who know how to lead during a crisis. We’ve witnessed both the good and bad examples locally, nationally and internationally. I think...
Why The Best Leaders View Vulnerability as a Strength By Ray Williams, April 20, 2019 There is compelling evidence that leaders who are prepared to show their vulnerability more easily gain the trust of others, and are, in fact, more effective leaders. Admitting our...