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Mastering the Art of the Conversation

Mastering the Art of the Conversation

When we connect with friends, we often tell our life stories, from the trivial to the meaningful. Sharing experiences, especially secrets, fosters the development of friendships. The best ways to have conversations, make acquaintances or even strangers into new...
America’s Male Identity Crisis

America’s Male Identity Crisis

By Ray Williams February, 2022   For as long as the United States has been a country, the straight white American male has ruled supreme. But as society changed and culture has evolved, traditional male masculinity is under siege. Economically, physically and...
The Loss of Human Touch in the Pandemic Era

The Loss of Human Touch in the Pandemic Era

By Ray Williams November 15, 2021 Physical touch is a fundamental part of being a human. The current COVID-19 pandemic has put severe restrictions on touching, and it may have a long-term negative impact on our well-being.  Physical distancing and the lack of human...