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Is the United States in Decline?

Is the United States in Decline?

Is the United States in Decline? The United States has been a powerful leading force for democracy and world order since the Great Depression, but there have been clear signs of decline.  This article is not intended to be a biased bashing of the United States. I...
Myths About Productivity

Myths About Productivity

There are several widespread fallacies about productivity, according to neuroscientist Dean Burnett, author of the best-selling books  , The Idiot Brain, and The Happy Brain as well as the well-liked Guardian Science blog “Brain Flapping.” Myth 1: Your job...
Why We Procrastinate and What to do About It

Why We Procrastinate and What to do About It

  By Ray Williams January, 2022   Procrastination is associated with a long list of negative traits, such as laziness, lacking motivation or focus, having a poor attention span and so forth. Is it really all of these negatives and then some? Is it a matter...
Do You Have a Smartphone Addiction?

Do You Have a Smartphone Addiction?

By Ray Williams February 15, 2021   Americans are bringing their smartphones into the bedroom. That’s right — texting while having sex. A recently released study indicated one in ten participants admitted to having used their phone during sex. As far...