Are Business Schools Obsolete?
Few business schools—particularly MBA programs or executive training programs—adequately address the importance of developing leaders.
Few business schools—particularly MBA programs or executive training programs—adequately address the importance of developing leaders.
We may be reaching watershed in our attraction to charismatic leaders, at least the ones where style and charm without substance no longer have an appeal.
Has our hi-tech, media-socialized world lost something critical to our species—non-sexual human physical touch? Hasn’t human physical contact set us apart from other animals, and has helped us develop complex language, culture, thinking and emotional expression?
Is mind wandering a good thing or bad thing? Is it the same as being on “autopilot,” without being conscious of what you are doing? There seems to be several differing perspectives on these questions.
When we think about psychopaths, most of us might imagine a Hannibal Lecter or Jeffrey Dahmer. Would we consider that psychopaths might be lurking around boardrooms and CEO corner offices? The reality is quite different. Increasing numbers of corporate psychopaths have brought havoc to the lives of millions of people, economies and entire countries.