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Remembering an Unjust War–Iraq

How will we remember the Iraq War? First to make a declaration. I am a pacifist and against all wars. It’s an illusion to view them in terms of winners and losers. Everyone loses, particularly the civilians. I have had personal experience with war, as my family were...

Building Positive Character in Children and Adolescents

In recent times there has been widespread discontent and criticism of the leaders of institutions and organizations. The vast majority of the criticisms have not been about leaders’ competence or skills. They have been about their unethical and immoral/amoral...

Perfectionism Can Kill You

"Reaching for the stars, perfectionists may end up clutching at air," famous psychologist David Burns warned.” There's a strong probability you're a perfectionist if you've ever sobbed over receiving a B+ or coming in second place. Because they insist on having high...

Thanks to Our Obsession with SUVs, Pristine Nature is Crumbling

You've certainly seen this advertisement or social media video before: an SUV or light truck racing down a winding gravel road in the wilderness or parked right by the lake or on the beach. These kinds of vehicles are supposed to be "great" in conquering or dominating...

The Rise of American Authoritarianism

Introduction There are disturbing signs that America’s strength as a democracy has weakened because of significant support for authoritarianism and an autocratic President Donald Trump. And while we think of autocratic states and dictatorships developing as a result...
7 Myths Regarding Performance Management

7 Myths Regarding Performance Management

Performance measurement and systems have proliferated in the past 20 years, with executives in both the private and public sectors relying on performance metrics for strategic planning, and decision-making to drive bottom line results.

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Why Every Leader Needs a Coach

Why Every Leader Needs a Coach

Being a leader in current times is very challenging and the failure rate is high. Leaders can maximize their probability of success and job satisfaction by having a personal or executive coach.

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Millennials: How Gen Y Will Lead Us Into the Future

Millennials: How Gen Y Will Lead Us Into the Future

In my article in The Financial Post I show that although leadership training programs abound, they have failed to produce good leaders. We can add to this problem the fact that the next generation of leaders, Gen Y or Millennials, have vastly different expectations for leaders and how they want to be trained as future leaders.

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What Will the World Of Work Look Like In 2030?

What Will the World Of Work Look Like In 2030?

Tremendous forces are radically reshaping the world of work. Economic shifts are redistributing power, wealth, competition and opportunity around the globe. Disruptive innovations, radical thinking, new business models and resource scarcity are impacting every sector.

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Why It’s Time to Humanize Leadership

Why It’s Time to Humanize Leadership

While the world’s economy continues to expand, mostly driven by technology, trust in our leaders continues to either languish or decline. Part of the reason for this sad state of affairs is both current leaders and leadership development education are predominantly...

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Why Financial Incentives Don’t Improve Performance

Why Financial Incentives Don’t Improve Performance

Performance bonuses for individuals, particularly CEOs, has been the norm across all industries for decades. Yet, increasing evidence indicates this is not a smart practice, that may actually detract from individual and team productivity and motivation.

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Has Capitalism Failed Us?

Has Capitalism Failed Us?

From multiple perspectives, traditional business models and management practices are in deep trouble, and it has nothing to do with the recent economic downturn. There are three reasons why this is true.

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The Decline of Productivity and How To Fix It

The Decline of Productivity and How To Fix It

Productivity, or the lack of it, seems to be a widespread personal and organizational problem.

At the organizational level, the emphasis on employee engagement levels, which is another way of defining productivity, has been a focus of many Gallup polls, other research and management fixes. At the personal level, the focus has been on work-life balance, workaholism, and stress.

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