Although it has always been a vital leadership talent, empathy is now being given more weight and importance. It is far from a soft approach and can produce important corporate outcomes. Although you may already be aware that showing empathy is good for individuals,...
Study 1: Encouraging Pro-social Behavior in Adolescents Developmental psychologists long have debated whether individuals volunteer and help others because they are sympathetic or whether they are sympathetic because they are prosocial. Research from the University of...
If you think you’re hearing the word “empathy” everywhere, you’re right. It’s gone beyond the discussions by researchers and psychologists into the boardrooms of business and schools and politics. And we’ve seen ample examples of empathy expressed from Ukraine to...
By Ray Williams January 2022 There’s a mounting body of research evidence that say women may be better suited to leadership roles in current times, and that they perform better than men. But the glass ceiling has been still holding them back in the U.S....
By Ray Williams December, 2021 In a global climate of increasing complexity, competition, intolerance and impatience, there has been a steady erosion of public trust in both public and private sector organisations and their leaders. At the same time, there are...