By Ray Williams November 13, 2021 Self-reflection is a critical component of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and research shows it can make leaders become far more effective. What does being a good leader mean to you? Having tonnes of...
By Ray Williams October 28, 2021 The following is an excerpt from my book, Eye of the Storm: How Mindful Leaders Can Transform Chaotic Workplaces. Regular practices of mindfulness give leaders a different perspective on their world, opening them up to ways of being...
By Ray Williams June 15, 2021 Mindfulness practices have moved into the workplace and become a key leadership and organizational development strategy. Mindfulness has developed through thousands of years of cultural evolution as an antidote to the natural habits of...
By Ray Williams October 9, 2020 “Fall down seven times, get up eight.”—Japanese Proverb A virus pandemic. Climate change disasters. Racial and ethnic conflicts. Economic inequality. Democracy in decline. The world appears to be in disarray, and a connected...
By Ray Williams August 5, 2020 The current virus pandemic, economic disruption and social distancing is understandably causing emotional turmoil for many people. As we do our best to deal with the accompanying stresses and anxieties, learning how to label our emotions...